Centennial by James A. Michener
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I actually liked this one better than Texas. I also got through it much quicker – the subject matter was more interesting to me, I suppose.
Framing this as a research study by a professor gave the writing a little flair and creativity. It didn’t feel as dry as other historicals I’ve read. Another consequence of writing it this way though was that it was intentionally biased and so it did not feel as “historical” as other books (like Texas).
However, the whole going back in time to the big bang (essentially) and then coming forward did seem a mite excessive. While it was interesting in its own way, it just didn’t seem to fit.
I liked how everything seemed to be tied around a small group of families. It made it easy to follow and to see the relationships and conflicts develop.
It gave me a new appreciation of the indians (and made me a bit perturbed with American expansionist policies and the lack of integrity of our government officials).
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Answers for Managers by Adam Radzik
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
While this book is a bit dated, the ideas about how to be a better manager are still useful.
This book has been in our department bookshelf at work for years, but I only recently acquired the position to have easy access to the book.
I’m glad I read it. While the answers are generally short and generic, there are some good ideas. I liked some of the surveys and intend to use one or two.
I would have liked other ideas besides surveys (but, maybe that is the best way – I don’t know).
I plan on reading other management books, but I will always think of this one fondly as the first 😉
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The Littlest Angel by Charles Tazewell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was a fun Christmas story. I shared it with several friends so they could appreciate it as well.
It is always good to be reminded that the best gifts come from the heart.
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Michael Vey: Rise of the Elgen by Richard Paul Evans
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I hate Richard Paul Evans for not releasing the third book in the series right now 😉
This was a good follow up to the first novel. Evans was able to remind me of the important points of the plot unobtrusively throughout the story. Evans also upped the stakes effectively and even concluded this part of the series with a generally satisfying ending. Of course, it is obvious that there is much more to come, but the main plot point of rescuing his mother was resolved (most likely – there is still a little bit of uncertainty around that).
In this part of the story, Michael and his Electroclan try to find Michael’s mom using the help of a mysterious stranger. They end up in Peru and get to battle a rain forest in addition to the bad guys.
While the characters are fun and the interplay is interesting, Dr. Hatch stands out as having no real redeeming quality or qualities. I had a difficult time empathizing with him or even understanding how he could think anything that he does is okay – and we got to be in his POV for part of the story. Perhaps Evans is making him this way on purpose, but I think it would be so much more troubling if the character were a little more gray.
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Laddertop, Volume 1 by Orson Scott Card
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was a fun read. I got this for my manga-loving daughter too. I thought she would like it – but the subject matter did not interest her.
But, I loved the subject matter and I am anxiously looking forward to the next installment.
Some of it is reminiscent of Ender’s Game (young kids being sent to do work that only they can do). But, it is a totally different story and the protagonist is very interesting.
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Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
After having read the second foundation trilogy in the midst of starting this one, I enjoyed coming back and reading Asimov’s own writing and story.
However, I was struck with the episodic nature of his writing. The other books (not written by him) were more novel-like and more unified – even if I didn’t particularly care for some of the writing and story.
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Foundation’s Triumph by David Brin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I applaud Brin for closing this trilogy in Asimov’s universe on a high-note. The other books left me a little disappointed, but this one felt closer to Asimov’s tendencies and ideas. However, one of Asimov’s failings is the lack of action, and this book also suffered from that a bit – too much time in meditation and talk and not enough action by the humans. Of course, perhaps that is part of the point being made. But I expected more from HAri, even if he is 90 years old 😉
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Foundation and Chaos by Greg Bear
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I read through this novel much quicker than the previous one – perhaps because I am more intrigued about this part of Hari’s life and about Daneel and the other robots.
I thought the writing was good too. Greg Bear did Asimov proud.
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Foundation’s Fear by Gregory Benford
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I liked this novel well enough, even though it took me much longer to get through it than I wanted. It has pacing issues, I think. Toward the last half of the book, things picked up better and I was able to get into the story more.
I wonder if I should have started this one before Forward the Foundation because I was less surprised by things that were happening. The timelines of the books overlapped, though, if I remember correctly.
Now, on to the next in this trilogy.
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Forward the Foundation by Isaac Asimov
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Since I’m reading the series chronologically according to the time of the series universe (and not the time they were written), I read this one next (instead of last).
The book is laid out as episodes of Hari Seldon’s life from the point after Prelude to Foundation and before the Foundation book starts. It was interesting to see the development of psychohistory and Hari over time. The episodic nature brought to mind the I, Robot stories. Which is interesting because Asimov seems to have started and ended (relatively speaking) his career in much the same way. I prefer a full story over the episodes-format, but it was well-written.
In fact, I wanted to learn even more about Hari, so I purchased the trilogy of works that were written after Asimov’s death (Foundation’s Fear, Foundation and Chaos, and Foundation’s Triumph) by other authors. So, even though it is not Asimov’s writing, I still get to experience Hari’s world in more depth.
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