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Review: Sky Full of Stars

   Posted by: Admin    in Path

Sky Full of StarsSky Full of Stars by Sabine Berlin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is just a draft of what, I am sure, will be published soon.

Sabine’s story is interesting and unique for YA (there are no werewolves or vampires).

Setting: It’s in Utah! In rural Utah. And, while they setting is not described much, it is adequate to show the busy of southern Utah and the incredible range of scenery.

Plot: It is the classic girl meets boy, girl loses boy, girl gets boy back kind of story. Yet, it is not really formulaic. The plot flows from the action organically. There are some good twists and turns along the way as the heroine, Catelyn, learns about her family, the boy she loves, and who she really is.

Conflict: This story focuses on the Catelyn’s conflict with Eri, the boy she loves and who supposedly loves her too, until she finds out some disturbing news about him (da da dum). She has to fend off another would-be suitor and deal with being kidnapped, thinking that Eri is dead (yet there is no prolonged depressive bout with this girl (unlike in another now-famous book – hurray!). She also has to deal with the brutal tendencies of her long-lost aunt, and with the reality of who her parents were and what they did.

Character: This is perhaps the strongest part of Sabine’s writing. The characters felt real, and well-rounded, with complex thought and emotion. We especially see this of Catelyn since we are in her head the entire book (as is typical for first person-told story). At times I felt like it was too much thought and exposition without enough action, but the uniqueness and interesting story kept me going.

Text: This is a draft, so I won’t comment on grammar or style here. I will say that the writing is clear and easy to read.

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Review: Death du Jour

   Posted by: Admin    in Path

Death du Jour (Temperance Brennan, #2)Death du Jour by Kathy Reichs
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I got this book from my Grandmother quite awhile ago (along with many other books). So, I didn’t have the first book in the series. It was interesting to read this story without having read the first book.

It is a typical murder mystery book, though, and so the characters don’t really grow or change much. Mainly, I missed out on her adventures (I have hints of them because of some flashbacks).

Setting: The author did a good job of contrasting the feeling of being in Canada and then in the South. Her descriptions were quite visual and enticing. They also played into the storyline.

Plot: There are a few different plot lines that are at least tangentially related and interwoven. The first revolved around the identity of a long-deceased nun who is destined for sainthood. The second is the search for the murderers of several people who turn out to be part of a cult. The third line deals with her love life.

Conflict: This is the weakest part of the story. Partly because the author attempts false suspense and partly because she gives hints of the future that indicate the heroine will be okay. There is plenty of potential conflict here though.

Character: The main character seems a lot like the author in terms of jobs and knowledge (writing what you know is perfectly acceptable), but the character is at least conflicted and has some quirks. The other characters feel a little wooden and Mary Jane-ish. This is especially true for the cult members. It was pretty obvious who the leader of the cult was (I guessed it from the moment we are introduced to the person).

Text: The false suspense was understandable, if annoying. The hints of "if I’d only known then what I know now" really threw me out of the story and the present (really past) action. Still the writing was competent and the story interesting – I love learning more about forensic science.

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Review: The Murdered House

   Posted by: Admin    in Path

The Murdered HouseThe Murdered House by Pierre Magnan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Another book that I got from Grandma. And another murder mystery. This one is set in France, though. And deals with a twenty-year old murder.

It feels like it is an older murder than that, though, because of how everything is framed. Which is a little strange. The twist at the end is interesting, and predictable if you know what to look for. As well as why someone keeps beating the main character to his intended victims.

Setting: Rural France. Which makes this kind of fun to read for that. In fact, this was translated into English from French. So it is authentic as far as that goes.

Plot: Basically, it is the main character’s intention to find and then kill his parents’ murderer (or murderers). He is also erotically haunted (perhaps subconsciously, perhaps just in his mind) by his mother’s ghost. This part is just weird.

Conflict: Just between the main character and his would-be targets. Who mysteriously end up dead before he gets the chance to.

Characters: There is some meat here, with lots of different kinds of characters. I didn’t really find myself caring for any of them. Maybe Rose. But the author implied that she lived to be old, so the tension there was lost and it seemed obvious that she never married the main character, so tension there was lost too. I still don’t understand why he left or why the ending happened the way it did. Very strange. Perhaps to set up another book? It was definitely not an uplifting book, in any case.

Text: I liked the French feel, with the turns of phrase and the words used (translated in footnotes as appropriate).

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Why Buy?

   Posted by: Admin    in Humor

Funny, considering how people feel about electronic content.



   Posted by: Admin    in Teaching

Who came up with Microsoft Word’s default style?

Can’t they come up with a student version that has the standard double-spacing and serif font and regular margins and normal header and no extra spacing between paragraphs?

My students just don’t seem to get it.

And while I’m ranting, why didn’t I scare away more students this year? Come on, I’m mean and onery and expect students to rewrite papers. Maybe I should have had the first paper due much earlier? Any other ideas on what I should do to scare them away?



   Posted by: Admin    in Bamboo Lessons

Clarkesworld has some pretty fast turnaround times on story submissions.

Unfortunately, Bamboo Lessons got the form reject there too. However, I mainly sent it there just because of the fast turnaround since the next submission needs to be printed and mailed, and has a 2-3 month wait time.


Rejected Again

   Posted by: Admin    in IGMS, Bamboo Lessons

Bamboo Lessons was rejected again. This time by Intergalactic Medicine Show. Looks like it didn’t make it past the slush reader either.

The message: “Thank you for offering your story to Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show. After careful consideration, we’re sorry to tell you that we will not be using it; you are free to submit it elsewhere.”

So, no hints either on what was wrong or that they didn’t like. At least it was carefully considered – that is a definite plus 😉

Anyway, on to the next market (still trying to figure out who that will be).

John Brown – the author’s official site » Blog Archive » Writing update: Curse Draft 3 FINISHED, The Book Academy.

I am mentioned as a reader! John asked me to read it because I had not yet read the first book in the series and he wanted to make sure things still made sense to me. I made it through a couple chapters (if I recall correctly) before things got a bit confusing, but I applaud John’s idea to make each book stand a bit on its own.

I hope he gets done with it soon because I am really looking forward to reading the first book (I’ve had it in my To Read pile for almost a year, I believe).


Second Rejection

   Posted by: Admin    in Writers of the Future

I got the rejection letter yesterday from the Writer’s of the Future contest. I wasn’t really expecting to win, so I’m doing okay.

In fact, I just sent the story off to Intergalactic Medicine Show. I hope they at least give me some comments on it if they don’t like it, because I can’t figure out what to do to fix it, except make it longer by resolving the whole plot. And that would probably put me into novella territory.

I am also gearing up to start working on my novel. I have a deadline of October, so I need to get moving on it.


Technorati Profile

   Posted by: Admin    in Hero Journeys

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