Archive for the ‘Hero Journeys’ Category



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Codex Writer’s Workshop.

I anticipated this event for a long time.

The first few days were for critiques of novels and short stories, as well as some class sessions on writing and being a writer. We had the famous Ellen Datlow critique our short stories. She was very insightful and gave lots of comments to everyone. We also had David Coe come for dinner one night; after which we picked his brain with questions.

The last week or so was just a retreat time where we could relax and write and explore Chattanooga, Tennessee.

I’ll post more later about what happened and what I learned.


LDStorymakers Writers Conference

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This looks like a very interesting conference. I may go. We’ll see how the finances shape up :smile:

CottonTree Inn
10695 S. Auto Mall Drive
Sandy, Utah 84070

Timothy Travaglini
Senior Editor at G.P. Putnam’s Sons
(a division of Penguin Group, USA)

In the works: Friday Night Entertainer: David Nibley
Panel: Finding an agent
Panel: LDS Publishers
One-to-one interviews with editors/agents

And your favorites:
Writing Contest
Boot Camp
Exclusive Book Store

Special Announcement:
Saturday Night: The Whitney Awards Gala?
Recognizing excellence in fiction by LDS authors

More information at:


Lunch with Brandon Sanderson

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Meeting fellow Bootcampers for lunch with Brandon Sanderson.


NaNoWriMo 2007

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I participated in National Novel Writing Month last year, and it was lots of fun to meet other writers and to just churn out words.

I had trouble with it at first, but this year I am going to do a bit more planning up front. We’ll see how that works.


BYU Sci-Fi Symposium 2008

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Life, the Universe & Everything:

The Marion K. ?Doc? Smith Symposium on Science Fiction and Fantasy

Guests to include:

  • Gail Carson Levine
  • Orson Scott Card
  • Kevin Wasden

Running from February 14-16, 2008.

Admission is FREE!

This should be a blast. I may even enter the writing contest.The deadline is in January, so I’ll have to see where I’m at by then.


Orson Scott Card Bootcamp

   Posted by: Admin Tags: ,

What an awesome experience


The Very Beginning

   Posted by: Admin Tags: , ,

OK, so this may not actually be the extreme beginning of my writing career, but I’ll get to that. This is the beginning of my blogging about what I’ve done and where I want to go.

It’s also the beginning of starting this website up: Dedicated to giving part-time, beginning writers all the information they need to make it along the path to publication.

Why now?

I got back from Orson Scott Card’s Writing Boot Camp a little over a week ago, and it really changed my perspective on writing and the whole process. So, this seems like a great time to jump in and get started!


Technorati Profile

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Technorati Profile