Posts Tagged ‘NaNoWriMo’


NaNoWriMo Has Started

   Posted by: Admin    in Path, NaNoWriMo, Transfer Loss, writing

Well, today is November 1st, and that means that it is National Novel Writing Month. I officially started work on my novel today. I wrote one chapter and that came out to around 1900 words. So, not a bad start to the month.

I am using the general story and plot that I created for bootcamp of the Transfer Loss short story. But, I am not using anything as far as wording goes from it in writing this book. Just the ideas. I am not even going to open the document to look at it. I have my written notes and that is all I’m using. So, it will probably end up being a completely altered story from the “original”. But, I can’t see this as being a bad thing. Hopefully I can improved it.

And, since last year’s novel attempt didn’t turn out as expected, or even a coherent single novel (just a bunch of different thoughts and non-fiction stuff that I was going through), this will be my first true novel attempt. I am determined to finish it this year. And while it will probably stink, at least it will be my attempt at one story and at learning what my writing process really is.

I don’t know that I’ll blog every day during this month, but I will try to catch highlights and to explore things I learn about myself and such along the way.


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NaNoWriMo 2007

   Posted by: Admin    in writing, My Events

I participated in National Novel Writing Month last year, and it was lots of fun to meet other writers and to just churn out words.

I had trouble with it at first, but this year I am going to do a bit more planning up front. We’ll see how that works.

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